Best Practices for Images

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Using pictures, icons and logos is an excellent way to make your calendar and event landing pages stand out. Moreover, good image size and quality improves your user experience and branding, and helps you get better SEO results. With Timely, you can add several types of images to your calendar, events and filters. Learn more in this post.

1. Where You Can Add Images

There are several places where you can add images to make your Timely event listing more interesting to your audience. Currently, you can add icons, logos and pictures to the following sections:

  • Dashboard icon: will show on your Timely account and seen by your team only.
  • Calendar logo: will show on your calendar and templates.
  • Categories: will show on your event landing pages.
  • Venues: will show on your event landing pages.
  • Organizers: will show on your event landing pages.
  • Event featured image: will show as the main picture for your event on the event landing page, as well as on your calendar, slider and carousel.
  • Event description image: will show in the event description section on your event landing page.
  • Templates: will be sent to your event attendees by emails.

2. Image File Formats

Currently, event management software accepts images on the following file formats:

  • JPEG (or JPG) – Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • PNG – Portable Network Graphics
  • BMP – Bitmap Image File 
  • GIF – Graphics Interchange Format
  • SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics
  • WEBP – Web Picture Format

If you try to upload an image on a different format, the system will not accept it. In this situation, we recommend converting the image file to any of the acceptable formats before proceeding.

3. Image Size and Quality

Paying attention to image size and quality is very important for Event SEO. The optimal file size is 100 kb.

For images to show nicely on the Slider, Carousel and Featured images, the width should be at least 720px wide and 480px high (720 x 480). For all the other places, images of any size can be used, as our software can auto resize them. However, we recommend the maximum image size of 1000px for both lenght and width.

print screen of an area showing 720px by 480px for width and height respectively.

With respect to quality, be mindful to avoid small, blurry and unclear pictures. Prefer to use high quality pictures optimized for a reduced size in bytes without the loss of the quality. There are many free image compressors tools available online, such as TinyPNG, CompressPNG and Compress2go.

4. Context

To achieve even better results, adding more context around your pictures is specially useful to help bring higher quality traffic to your calendar.

In this Google article, Google Images best practices, you can find a variety of important tips to help improve the process of adding images with context. Check that article and learn more about the guidelines. 

5. Add Descriptive Titles and Alternative Text

When uploading an image to your Timely account, give it a descriptive title and a descriptive alternative text.

print screen of an image being uploaded with a descriptive alternative text

Wherever possible, make sure photos, logos and icons have a descriptive filename. For example, it is better to name your photo electric_guitar.jpg than IMG0028361823.jpg. Moreover, when adding a description to your picture, be mindful to describe it as accurately as possible.

With respect to the alternative text tag, it also should describe the image in order to help improve its online search results on Google. Nevertheless, avoid filling the alt text with keywords. It possibly will result in a negative user experience, and may cause your calendar to be seen as spam.

For more user guidance, please go to our Help Center. If you have any questions or need additional assistance to configure your Timely Events SEO features, do not hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, you can open a support ticket from your Timely account’s dashboard.