Timely Software Feature Table

Timely is a full service software with all the tools you need to manage your events, training programs and venues more efficiently. See our features table below:





Plan Details

System users per account

1 user 

1 user

2 users


Calendars per account

1 calendar

1 calendar 

1 calendar


Domains per account

1 domain

1 domain

1 domain


Embeds per account

unlimited embeds per domain

unlimited embeds per domain

unlimited embeds per domain

unlimited embeds per domain

Number of events

up to 25 

up to 200

up to 500


Number of event submitters




AI Content Assistant beta


10 requests per month

30 requests per month

50 requests per month



Top Features:

preset themes

custom theme

custom header/footer

custom stylesheet

date search

keyword search

filter by category

filter by tag

filter by organizer

filter by venue

images to filters

custom toolbar

default event layout

week view

month view

agenda view

Everything in Free, plus:

bold event layout

compact event layout

wide event layout

stream view

tile view

posterboard view

map view

year view

modern list view

modern row view

clean row view

clean list view

slider view

carousel view

Everything in Starter

Everything in Growth, plus:

custom filters

custom translations


brand logo


Event publishing

Top Features:

one day, multi-day and all day events

recurring events

clone events

preview, save, publish and schedule events

event time zone

event details

add images, videos, audios and presentations

media library

link to category

link to tag

link to organizer

link to venues

event SEO

custom domain

custom event URL

enable/disable indexing

Everything in Free, plus:

featured events

event geolocation

AI content assistant

AI event translation

Everything in Starter

Everything in Growth, plus:

custom fields

event status

event visibility

internal notes

event multi-language

Event promotion

Top Features:

social share buttons

calendar subscription

calendar printing

disable export feeds 

Everything in Free

Everything in Starter

Everything in Growth, plus:

favorite events

MailChimp newsletters

Facebook auto sharing

LinkedIn auto sharing

Event aggregation

Top Features:

 import CSV / ICS files 

Everything in Free

Everything in Starter, plus:

import feeds (URL synced)

import categories

publishing controls

Chrome extension

Event Finder (100)

Everything in Growth

Community events




Top Features:

event submission form

automated or manual approval workflow

standard fields

custom fields (8)

standard filters

custom filters

disclaimer text

services & fees

payment gateways

sales summary reports

invoices management

refunds and cancellations

automated email notifications

manual email notifications (3)

custom email notifications

Event registration & ticketing

Top Features:

free & paid events

single event

time-slot appointment

booking request

ticket types (10)

custom fields (8)

recurring bookings

block ticket availability

promotional codes

payment gateways


pass on or absorb fees

invoice generator

automated email notifications

manual email notifications (10)

custom email notifications

custom ticket template

mobile or printed tickets

availability dashboard

sales summary reports

invoices management

refunds and cancellations

QR code scanning

attendee check-in

Everything in Free as an optional Add-On

Everything in Starter

Everything in Growth, plus:

send attendance list by email

Operations & analytics




Top Features:

detailed reports

data export

Account management

Top Features:

calendar owner role only

manage and upgrade account

add or edit credit card information

view and download invoices

automatic notifications 

Everything in Free

Everything in Starter, plus:

calendar owner, admin, editor, author and attendant roles

create, edit and delete users

Everything in Growth, plus:

user activity log

Responsive design






Customer support

Top Features:

help center

video tutorials 

Everything in Free, plus

ticket-based support

Everything in Starter

Everything in Growth, plus

higher priority tickets

video conference support

dedicated Support Agent

Professional services




Top Features:

event data migration

implementation & design

training & onboarding

SEO setup & coaching

event management flow



Top Features:

Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager

Disqus Commenting

Facebook Comments

payment gateways

Everything in Free, plus:

Google Maps

Everything in Starter

Everything in Growth, plus:

MailChimp newsletter

Facebook posting

Linkedin posting


Open API

customized integrations

Custom agreement



Top Features:

Master Service Agreement

SLA 99.5% uptime

Security, Privacy & Accessibility

Top Features:

HTTPS enabled

two-factor authentication

compliant with global privacy laws

compliant with Section 508 and WCAG 2.1

Everything in Free

Everything in Starter

Everything in Growth, plus:

access to internal policies

Security Agreement

Data Protection Agreement