5 Creative Ways to Promote an Event Business with Technology

January 15, 2021  
Reading time: 5 minutes

Updated December 13, 2021

Do you have a calendar full of truly inspiring events but are struggling with how to promote your event online?

Don't fret.

With an assist from technology, you can harness creative ways to promote an event that will have your whole community marking their calendars.

To help you successfully market your event online, we built a list of five proven strategies.

Enacting these best practices won’t just get you noticed: They’ll also help you create brand awareness and engage with your audience.

Sound good?

Read on to learn five ways to get your event the attention it deserves.

1. Get a Timely Event Calendar for your Website

Stop wondering how to promote your event online and start getting RSVPs with Timely.

Give your live, virtual and hybrid events a boost with Timely Event Calendar Software.

Promote your event business with Timely technology and expand your audience with a beautiful event calendar on your website. Easily create, promote, manage and monetize your events. All in one event calendar software.

Using Timely's Social Sharing buttons, sharing and promoting your events on social media platforms from your public calendar is super easy and saves you a lot of time!

2. Share Upcoming Events on Newsletters

Email might be old-school, but it is still the most reliable and widely used means of communication and promotion. It is also the easiest to monetize. You can automatically funnel your events to a MailChimp account and build your lists based on location, segment, or anything else you can think of.

Building a Newsletter list

  • Make it easy for people to add themselves to your lists. Put a sign-up form on your site and if you want to turbo-boost your list size, use prizes. Best practices have shown that you’ll get more sign-ups if you have a few bigger prizes than if you have lots of little ones.
  • Use this psychology and bundle up big prizes. Bundle up donated prizes (you give the PR) and consider a monthly prize set. Make sure you promote the winners and have them mention you on social media as they enjoy their prizes. Click here for more information on how to accelerate the growth of your email list with giveaways.

3. Increase Customer Loyalty

Brand advocates are the customer type found at the very top of the ladder of loyalty and are a great way to promote your event business, online and offline.

They rave about a business as often as possible, to friends, family and anybody in their network. Once people start actively planning their schedule based on your calendar of events, you have them hooked.

However, for these brand advocates to share the details of your events, they need to know about how incredible your events are.

To encourage social sharing among brand advocates, consider sending past attendees a discounted offer for future attendance.

Additionally, if you have quotes and photos focused on how much individuals enjoyed your past event, be sure to share those across your social channels and tag the speakers for added reach.

Click here to learn more about ways to increase customer loyalty.

4. Promote your Event Business on Social Media

While we spoke a bit above about using the power of social channels to promote your event, in this section we share a platform-by-platform guide to making your event a community beacon.


  • A total must. Don’t be shy on the mentions and retweets. Twitter is one of the quickest ways to build relationships among venues, sponsors, advertisers and other partners. Mention them if you are promoting any of their events and you will be seen by their audience.
  • Create hashtags around campaigns.
  • Narrow down your content and include a clear CTA, keep it easy for a skim read.
  • Use the Twitter feature to tweet your events automatically before they happen. This is a nice way of systematically adding content to your Twitter roll.


  • Although Facebook is becoming difficult to monetize, it’s important to have a presence nonetheless. Use Facebook to help build your community – but always drive people back to your website.
  • Use high-quality images and targeted hashtags to increase exposure. Do regular postings to stay on people’s radar and have them engage enough that you muster up a few comments per post. Like mentions on Twitter, don’t be shy to tag people if you want them to see your post.

Others (Instagram, Google +, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc)

  • Create posts ahead of time using images and videos, a few hashtags and schedule them to multiple platforms at once by using Facebook or Hootsuite.
  • Get creative and branch out to other platforms to increase your audience engagement. People expect you to go to them.
  • Pinterest can be used effectively. Consider setting up a board of your favourite event images from your calendar. This is not only a good way to reach an audience differently, but you will raise the bar in the images people choose when posting on your site. Better images will improve your calendar tremendously. For example: You could host a monthly prize for the best image.
cellphone showing a megaphone pointing four flags with social media icons on them
Promote your Event Business on Social Media

5. Promote your event business with Influencers

Identify influencers related to your business and motivate them to spread the word about your events calendar. This strategy can help increase exposure to a relevant audience and could secure more attendees.

Your collaboration partner can shout-out your events calendar in exchange for either payment or a shout-out in return. In today’s world, individuals can have a bigger influence than companies.

The world of influencer marketing is growing daily. You can offer influencers free event attendance in exchange for shouting out your event on their social channels or even monetize their efforts to share your upcoming happening.

Either way, having influencers add their voice to the credibility of your event can take you to the next attendance level.

Click here for more information.

Promote your Event Business with Timely Event Management Software Solutions

While some methods could require some financial investment, such as sending newsletters with prizes, most of these tips to boost your event's engagement cost very little, if anything at all.

Now you are ready to go! With these five proven tips, you are ready to promote your event business using technology, to create more connections between you and your customers, and spread the word about your amazing events to the world!

And once you have your events being promoted and growing, get ready to take ticket sales and registrations!

For more information about our Event Management Software Solutions, please go to our Contact Us page.

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At Timely, we believe events are the cornerstone of experiences. We aim to create technology that brings communities together and turns events into lasting memories. Count on us to help you achieve your event management goals.