Why is Training Important to Employees? 10 Benefits of Training your Staff

July 15, 2022  
Reading time: 7 minutes

With today’s business environment being so fast-paced and competitive, employees need to be constantly learning in order to keep up with their job responsibilities and goals. Still many wondered: Why is training important to employees? What are the benefits of training your staff? If you want to stay ahead of the curve in your industry, it’s important to know what is the importance of employee training and train your staff from time to time. Here are 10 benefits of training employees.

Why is Training Important to Employees and Employers?

Research made by the World Economic Forum states that most employees will require re skilling and up skilling by 2025. Not only due to technological improvements, but also because the industry is changing constantly and new approaches are necessary.

In such a competitive market for all segments of the industry, it’s right to say that the organizations that know what is the importance of employee training, invest more effectively in their employees' skills. Consequently, the companies are the most successful ones. That’s because job rotation is not so unusual nowadays as it was a couple of years ago. Employees have the right and the opportunity to search for better conditions and salaries and not just settle in. 

If we think about the costs of training and preparing professionals compared to the costs of hiring new ones, it’s not difficult to choose the first option. In the USA, it’s estimated that companies spent $1,071.00 per employee with training in 2021. The suggested training budget is about 2% of a company’s total budget, and it’s one of the best investments a company can make.

Employee training plays an important role in any organization, and the advantages are plentiful. The benefits of training employees are becoming more visible and important to organizations around the globe. In person and online training programs for personal and professional development boosts employees morale and skills. Furthermore, it also boosts the organization's authority and expertise. In this article, we provide a list of the main 10 benefits of training employees.

1. Training and development can enhance employees’ skills

corporate hr team discussing why training is important for employees

Companies that understand what is the importance of employee training know that the best thing they can offer to their employees is room to grow and learn. Everyone wants to have a successful career. However, few have the opportunity to engage in learning and working processes that will lead them there. When a company provides courses and training that offers valuable skills to its professionals, it’s easy for them to feel motivated and more eager to learn. 

Another reason why employee training is important is to develop leadership skills. When a company offers career plans and promotions to its employees, they know that their efforts will be valued, so they do their best at work and not just fill a position. It also makes employees more productive and less stressed since mistakes are less common when they have the proper training.

2. Nurture employee self-esteem and value

Indeed, people are more productive when they are happy and feeling valued. Training your employees on hard and soft skills can contribute a lot to their sense of belonging. When you show your employees you appreciate them and value their work, you create a happier workplace, which will motivate employees to do their best.

Being valued also gives employees a sense of importance, like they're an essential part of the company (which they really are). With a good, well thought employee training program, you can show your staff how much you care about and appreciate them.

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3. Enhance employee engagement with the company culture

Training your employees not only benefits them, but also benefits the company in various aspects. One of them is by enhancing engagement with the company and its values.

The market is not only competitive for companies, but also for the workforce. Payroll is not enough to keep employees in a company anymore. 

People want to work in a place where they feel happy, valued, and important. And, in general, we do feel important being part of an organization we respect. Onboarding training programs, on the job training, and regular meetings are the perfect opportunity to teach employees about the company they work for and its leaders, and also communicate directly how they can contribute to collective wellness by being a part of this workforce.

4. Set clear expectations for new employees

Sometimes we’re not clear enough about employees' responsibilities. It’s time consuming having to explain tasks or asking for changes because maybe we didn’t give proper instructions or made sure our employees understood what was expected of them.

When you train your employees well and they understand what their tasks and responsibilities are, you create an organized and harmonious work environment. By providing clear, detailed explanations and instructions, you’ll have a lot to gain in work quality as well.

5. Training and development can attract new talents organically

woman presenting a chart with the benefits of training employees for the company

We can’t deny that word of mouth is still the best marketing strategy. We normally try out what people we know already like, and then share opinions with them. That’s why running a good and respected company with a strong, cohesive employee training program will be the greatest marketing strategy you will ever invest in. 

When your company is generally considered a great place to work, you’re also attracting new talents to  positions in your company. When you give your employees structure and room to grow and develop, you’re also giving them a motivation to talk positively about your organization and what it can offer. Certainly, that is one of the reasons why employee training is important to employees and employers alike.

6. Improve employee retention

Attracting new talents is just as important as keeping them under your employ. A company that knows what is the importance of employee training, invests in training their employees. Consequently, keeping talented employees happy and in constant professional growth. Losing a good worker for a rival company or not keeping them due to internal errors is a scenario to avoid. 

When an employee leaves the company, a lot of resources are lost: investments in expertise, development, onboarding and training. Therefore, having a solid employee-employer relationship and providing a great work experience is a huge advantage in all industries.

7. Turn your employees into experts of your industry

Offering employees periodic training benefits the organization in general. That’s because training courses are updated yearly with new research and information. That will guarantee your company is  up to date on new technologies and developments made in its industry. In addition, it allows your employees to learn and work with the newest tendencies in the industry, keep informed about new technologies, and work more efficiently.

8. Create the right environment for increased productivity

manager discussing the benefits of on the job training with staff

Productivity is another key reason why training is important for employees and companies. Enhancing employee productivity saves the company time and money and that is a direct result from investing in internal resources.

When you train your employees, you enhance the quality of their work, your final product, and your gains. That’s why we all look for applicants with specific skills and study backgrounds to fill out a job position. However, employers can also contribute to employee learning so they will understand even more about the company and their responsibilities.

9. A good training program can reduce supervision needs

Motivated and well informed employees don’t need constant supervision because they already know what they need to do and what is expected of them. Instead of having internal resources located to pay attention to everything your employees are doing, you can get your employees working independently while still producing efficiently for your company. Through proper training and development, employees perform better and feel capable to do more.

Moreover, consistent employee training can help businesses prepare for changes and challenges within the organization itself. By providing employees with the necessary skills, knowledge and resources, they are well prepared to keep the company running even when there is a shift on the company's organization structure.

Employers who know what is the importance of employee training, invest heavily in training programs. Properly trained team are better able to respond quickly and efficiently to market developments and other changing circumstances.

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10. A solid training program improves soft skills necessary for the job

People usually don’t give soft skills their deserved value. In fact, a lot of people even have some trouble explaining what they are. However, employees with good soft skills are really important to maintain a healthy, efficient work environment. Learning how to manage time, how to have a good public image, and how to empathize with customers and coworkers can turn a junior employee into a potential leader with a lot to offer. 

Most people have these skills internalized, but don’t really know how to apply them in a professional setting efficiently. That’s why promoting employee training programs that emphasize  teamwork, real life communication, and problem solving can change your work environment and productivity considerably and for the better.

What is Next? Discover How to Start Training your Employees

Now that you’ve learned why training is important to employees and seen all the benefits a good employee training program can bring, you may want to learn how to organize a training workshop to engage your employees

If you are still wondering how to create effective training and development programs for your employees, the good news is that there are software tools available that can help. Indeed, employee training systems allow companies to better promote, manage and schedule their online training courses  saving time and resources. With these tools you can manage meetings, on the job training sessions, and even schedule daily discussions and exchanges with your team.

Streamline Professional Development with Timely Online Training Software

Show everyone that you understand what is the importance of employee training by choosing the right technology for your organization. Timely Online Training Software can make your online training programming tasks easier. It gives you a beautiful training calendar that can be added to your company’s website to display all your courses, meetings, and training sessions. 

With our training platform, you can create a centralized training calendar or one calendar per department or location. You can get your trainers to submit events with ease and book their training sessions. In addition, you won’t need spreadsheets or documents to manage your attendees. You’ll be notified automatically about employee registration and attendance.

While using our online training software, you will also have the option to customize newsletters and create automated emails. You can share online meeting links while still making sure that only your registered attendees will have access to them.

With Timely Online Training Scheduling Software, you can conduct all activities pertaining to the learning and professional development of your employees with ease at the click of a button. Be it from home, office, or any remote location. 

Contact us to know more about our software products or check out our corporate training calendar demo. We’ll love to offer the best solutions to your training needs!

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