7 Event Management Tools You’ll Never Want to Work Without

February 21, 2022  
Reading time: 3 minutes

Event management isn’t for the faint of heart. Taking on the project of organizing an event, doing all the planning, getting to the day and making sure it runs smoothly, and finishing up after it is over can be completely overwhelming. We totally understand. At Timely we work with hundreds of event managers. We also work with hundreds of people who are not professional event managers but suddenly find themselves thrust into this role. We know how hard it can be. For this reason, we’ve prepared a list of seven event management tools you’ll never want to work without.

event management tools to help organize events

#1. Slack

Your company may use a different collaboration software, but for our money there’s nothing better than Slack to allow people to get together and talk. It is the instant communication tool that will replace email, will replace meetings, will replace phone calls.

Slack can be an instant messenger between you and one other person. You can grab five of you together into a little virtual room to have a text conversation. It can break down into channels, so you can have a channel for each committee. For example, the event venue committee, the food committee, and the volunteers committee. Slack is a slick, simple event management communication tool. And there’s even an app for your phone so you can always be connected.

#2. Trello

You may also need an event management tool that will allow you to do all of your pre-planning like Trello.

Essentially, Trello is a grouping of to-do lists. You can create lists of anything that needs to get done, and assign the tasks to anyone. Also, you can monitor what stage of progress it is in, and see when the to-do item has been completed. Trello is a good tool to plan and manage individual tasks.

#3. Timely Event Calendar Software

Now that you’ve got your event planning well underway, the next thing that you need to do is to start spreading the word. And that is done best through Timely Event Calendar Software.

It is a completely customizable white-label calendar system. You can personalize it to fit perfectly into the look and feel of your website. Moreover, there are options for languages and timezones, if your event is spanning a large area - perhaps different continents.

The Timely Event Calendar Software even connects to iCal, Outlook and Google Calendar to sync fully. You can set up multiple event types, including one-time and recurring events. Definitely, it’s a must-have event management software.

#4. Timely Event Ticketing Software

After your event is scheduled and published on your online calendar, you can start selling event tickets. Timely Event Ticketing Software is an all-in-one software that books events, sends out tickets, collects payments, and connects right to your website or calendar.

With this event ticket software you don’t need to worry about a learning curve. It’s intuitive and easy to use. In addition, it is compatible with any type of event, be it a concert, professional meeting, retreat or festival.

Best of all, it’s entirely mobile. Your attendees can buy their tickets on your website from their mobile devices. Also, they can check in at the venue with a QR code on their phone. Incredibly easy!

#5. Timely Event Booking Software

Want the ability to collect registrations for both free and paid events? With Timely’s Event Booking Software you can do it all.

It allows you to book both free and paid events, as well as single events and time-slot based events. Timely Event Booking Software is so flexible that you can offer bookings for any type of activities, programs or events.

#6. Free Timely All-In-One Events Calendar WordPress Plugin

If your budget is tight, you can get a sample of the power of Timely’s event management software solutions with our free event management tool: Timely All-in-One Events Calendar WordPress plugin.

Easily customizable to match your WordPress theme, you can use the calendar functions to create events. You can duplicate these events simply, making them one day, multiple days or recurring events. With search features and filters, this is one event management tool you don’t want to pass up.

A couple using Timely All-In-One Events Calendar wordpress plugin to manage events

#7. Zoom Events

This event management software is a must-have for large virtual events. Odds are good that people these days already are very familiar with how to use Zoom. This platform can host streaming events for large groups, or smaller breakouts and even webinars. Perfect for big conferences with virtual attendees, it has all-in-one features for getting the people you need all in one virtual room.


With all of these event management tools, including the four must-have event management softwares from Timely, you can be assured that the planning and execution of your next event will be flawless. Take a look into what we provide and see if it’s for you.

Contact us to learn more about Timely, or try for free!

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At Timely, we believe events are the cornerstone of experiences. We aim to create technology that brings communities together and turns events into lasting memories. Count on us to help you achieve your event management goals.