What is Instructor Led Training (ILT)?

June 7, 2024  
Reading time: 6 minutes

In a world of digital transformation and e-learning platforms, where virtual classrooms and online courses reign supreme, there's a timeless method of education that has stood the test of time: Instructor-Led Training, or ILT.

Imagine stepping into a room filled with eager learners, each poised to absorb knowledge from a skilled instructor who imparts wisdom with the power of human connection. In this age of screens and pixels, ILT harkens back to a bygone era of face-to-face learning, and yet, it remains as relevant and powerful as ever. 

In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the essence of Instructor-Led Training, its evolution in the digital age, and why it continues to hold a special place in the world of education. So, fasten your seatbelts, because we're about to embark on a captivating exploration of the remarkable world of ILT!

I. What Does Instructor-Led Training Look Like Today?

Instructor-Led Training, often abbreviated as ILT, has undergone a significant transformation in recent years to adapt to the changing landscape of education and technology. 

While the core principles of ILT remain intact – a knowledgeable instructor guiding learners – the delivery methods and tools have evolved to accommodate the demands of the digital age.

  1. Blended Learning: One of the prominent shifts in ILT is the incorporation of blended learning approaches. Today, ILT education is often combined with digital resources and e-learning components. This hybrid model provides learners with a more flexible and accessible experience, allowing them to access course materials and engage with instructors both in person and online.
  2. Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT): With the rise of virtual communication tools and video conferencing platforms, ILT can now take place in virtual classrooms. Instructors can reach learners worldwide, breaking down geographical barriers and making education accessible to a global audience. VILT retains the interactivity and personal touch of traditional ILT education but in a digital environment.
  3. Interactive Technologies: Modern ILT leverages interactive technologies, such as audience response systems, live polls, and collaborative software, to engage learners actively. These tools foster participation and ensure that learners are not passive recipients of information but active participants in the learning process.
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II. What Is the Role of the Instructor in ILT?

Instructor-Led Training places the instructor at the center of the learning experience. The role of the instructor remains as vital as ever, albeit with a few enhancements and adjustments:

  1. Content Facilitation: Instructors are no longer just knowledge providers; they serve as content facilitators. Furthermore, they guide learners through the learning journey, helping them make connections, clarify doubts, and apply knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  2. Facilitator of Discussions: Instructors foster meaningful discussions and interactions among learners. Since, they encourage questions, debates, and knowledge sharing, creating a dynamic learning environment.
  3. Personalization: Instructors have the ability to personalize the learning experience. That is, they can tailor their teaching methods to meet the individual needs and learning styles of their students, providing a more effective and engaging education.
male teacher conducting online class through a laptop

III. Unlocking Opportunities for Instructor-Led Training 

Instructor-Led Training (ILT) has long been a cornerstone of education and professional development. While the digital age has introduced a myriad of alternative learning methods, ILT continues to shine as a dynamic and effective approach to knowledge dissemination. 

In this exploration, we delve into the rich opportunities that ILT offers, drawing inspiration from the Learning Pyramid, the 10 20 70 rule and the synergistic potential of blended learning.

1. Leveraging the Learning Pyramid:

The Learning Pyramid, a concept introduced by the National Training Laboratories Institute, illustrates how different teaching methods impact knowledge retention. According to this model, learners retain:

  • Lecture: 5% of what they hear
  • Reading: 10% of what they read
  • Audiovisual: 20% of what they see and hear
  • Demonstration: 30% of what they see
  • Discussion Group: 50% of what they discuss with others
  • Practice by Doing: 75% of what they practice
  • Teaching Others: 90% of what they teach someone else

ILT, with its interactive and discussion-based approach, aligns closely with the higher retention levels in the pyramid. It provides the opportunity for learners not only to absorb information but also to engage in active discussions, practice skills, and even teach others—thus solidifying their understanding and retention of the material.

2. The 10 20 70 Rule

In the context of ILT, understanding the 10 20 70 rule can help instructors design more effective training programs. This approach acknowledges that learning is not confined to formal settings but occurs continuously through various channels and experiences. It suggests that:

  • 10% of learning comes from formal training, such as instructor-led training (ILT), workshops, or courses.
  • 20% of learning comes from social learning, such as interactions with peers, mentors, or colleagues.
  • 70% of learning comes from experiential or on-the-job learning, where employees learn by doing, practicing, and reflecting on their experiences.

When exploring ILT opportunities, it's essential to consider how to leverage each component of the 10 20 70 rule. 

For instance, ILT sessions can serve as a foundation for knowledge acquisition (the 10%). Meanwhile incorporating group discussions, role-playing exercises, or collaborative projects can facilitate social learning (the 20%). Additionally, providing opportunities for learners to apply newly acquired knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios or simulations can enhance experiential learning (the 70%). 

Blending these elements into ILT sessions can create a more holistic and engaging learning experience that maximizes the benefits of both traditional and modern learning approaches.

instructor led training taking place in a blended learning setting

3. Embracing Blended Learning:

Blended learning, the fusion of traditional ILT with digital tools and resources, offers an exciting avenue to enhance the effectiveness of ILT. Here's how:

  • Flexibility: Blended learning allows learners to access content and resources at their convenience, breaking down the constraints of time and location. Furthermore, this flexibility accommodates a diverse range of learners and their unique needs.
  • Resource Richness: By integrating multimedia elements, e-learning modules, and digital assessments, ILT can tap into the strengths of various learning modalities. Therefore, learners benefit from a rich tapestry of resources that cater to different learning styles.
  • Personalization: Blended learning allows for a personalized learning experience. Since, instructors can use digital tools to track learner progress, identify areas of improvement, and provide tailored support, ensuring that each participant receives the attention they need.
  • Improved Assessment: Digital tools enable more efficient and accurate assessment methods. Instructors can employ quizzes, simulations, and other interactive assessments to gauge learner comprehension and adjust their teaching approach accordingly.
  • Global Reach: Blended ILT transcends geographical boundaries. Instructors can connect with learners from across the world, creating a diverse and enriching learning environment that fosters global perspectives and insights.
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4. Maximizing Engagement and Interaction Through Instructor Led Training:

ILT excels in fostering real-time engagement and interaction. In a traditional classroom setting or a virtual one through platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, learners can ask questions, engage in discussions, and benefit from immediate feedback. This dynamic interaction not only enhances understanding but also builds a sense of community among learners.

Incorporating modern technology and e-learning modules into ILT sessions amplifies this engagement. Polls, chatrooms, and collaborative software encourage active participation, making the learning experience more vibrant and memorable. 

In conclusion, Instructor-Led Training is far from being an outdated or limited educational approach. When aligned with the principles of the Learning Pyramid and integrated with elements of blended learning, ILT emerges as a potent tool for knowledge retention and skill development. By leveraging its strengths and embracing digital innovations, ILT can continue to provide a robust and enriching learning experience for students and professionals alike.

happy professional black woman conducting a instructor led training

IV. Why Timely is an Exceptional Tool for Instructor-Led Training?

Timely Training Management Software serves as an invaluable ally for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) programs, offering a multitude of benefits that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning experience. 

Our software empowers organizers and instructors by streamlining administrative tasks such as scheduling, registration, and tracking learner attendance. Further, it enables seamless communication with participants, ensuring they are well-informed about upcoming sessions and any changes. 

With the ability to manage ILT resources, monitor attendance, and evaluate the success of training initiatives, this software ensures that ILT programs are not only engaging but also well-organized and optimized for maximum impact.

FAQs About Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

1. What is ILT?

Instructor-Led Training, or ILT, is a traditional method of education where a knowledgeable instructor guides learners through a course or training program. It typically involves face-to-face interactions in a physical or virtual classroom setting.

2. How has ILT evolved in the digital age?

ILT has evolved by incorporating digital tools and technologies, such as virtual classrooms and interactive software. This evolution has enabled ILT to offer blended learning options, combining traditional instruction with digital resources.

3. What is the role of the instructor in ILT?

In ILT, the instructor plays a central role in facilitating learning. They provide guidance, engage learners in discussions, answer questions, and create a dynamic and interactive learning environment. In essence, they act as content facilitators and discussion leaders.

4. How does blended learning complement ILT?

Blended learning complements ILT by integrating digital resources and e-learning components into the traditional instructor-led sessions. Furthermore, this approach offers flexibility, resource richness, personalization, and improved assessment methods, enhancing the overall learning experience for participants.

5. How can Training Management Software improve the learner experience in Instructor-Led Training (ILT)?

Timely Training Management Software enhances the learner experience in ILT by providing easy course discovery and registration processes. As well as streamlined communication and access to course materials. Learners can receive timely notifications, updates, and resources, ensuring they are well-prepared for each session. 

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